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  • Chinese envoy urges US to get Iran nuclear dea back on track
  • Chinese envoy urges US to get Iran nuclear dea back on track

    Date:2021-07-04 Clicks:34

    A Chinese envoy to the United Nations on Wednesday urged the US and Iran to return to full compliance and put the Iranian nuclear deal "back on track".

    The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, is a diplomatic outcome achieved through the "hard work" of all parties that engaged in consultation and negotiation, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, told ambassadors at a Security Council open debate on the Iranian nuclear issue.

    The envoy said that the United States, in disregard of the opposition of the international community, "obstinately" made a unilateral withdrawal from the agreement and has continued to apply maximum pressure on Iran.

    "This is the root of the current dilemma of the Iranian nuclear issue," he said. It is incumbent upon the US, the originator of the current dilemma, to take the lead in returning to the JCPOA with no preconditions, Geng continued.

    He said that Iran should subsequently also return to full compliance. That would help achieve de-escalation in the region, he said.

    "We hope that all parties will have a greater sense of urgency, make the political decision as soon as possible, demonstrate flexibility, and commit themselves to working toward the same goal," said Geng.

    He noted that the parties concerned have actively implemented the consensus reached at last December's foreign ministers' meeting, and important progress has been made in the relevant negotiations in Vienna, though there are still "many miles to go" before consensus can be reached,

    All parties also need to exercise restraint, refrain from making any moves that may further complicate the situation and strive to reach a consensus on the return to compliance at an early date, he added.

    The envoy pointed out that the US has repeatedly indicated its willingness to return to the deal.

    "It has declared that multilateralism is back. Well in this case, the US should make greater efforts and demonstrate greater sincerity towards arriving at a consensus as soon as possible," said Geng.

    "Whether the US can reach an agreement with Iran and other relevant parties on the resumption of compliance will be the ultimate litmus test to show whether the US really practices multilateralism," he added.

    The withdrawal by the US from the JCPOA has led to a "serious trust deficit" between the US and Iran. That significantly hinders the resumption of compliance negotiation between the two sides, the envoy emphasized.

    Out of the concern that the US may once again walk away from the agreement, Iran has asked the current US administration to provide a guarantee that it will not repeat the unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA, he said.

    "This request is completely understandable and should be responded to. It is our hope that all parties will adopt a positive posture and show political wisdom in finding a solution," Geng said.

    He pointed out that Iran is entitled to the peaceful use of outer space.

    "Parties have different understandings vis-à-vis the nature of Iran's missile program and space program," he said. "If deemed necessary, the parties may set up a new platform, or use other suitable fora to discuss this matter, so as to avoid getting tangled up on this in the resumption of compliance negotiation, as this would bring complication and impediment to the negotiation process."

    He said that "unilateral sanctions undermine mutually beneficial cooperation among countries. Such measures go against international equity and justice, blatantly trample on international law, and seriously damage international relations.

    "The international community has time and again called upon the US to lift its sanctions against Iran, and the secretary-general has repeatedly emphasized this point in his report. We hope the US will pay attention to this and respond positively in the negotiation," Geng said.

    The envoy added that "China categorically rejects all illegal unilateral sanctions imposed by the US. Any and all such illegal measures by the US, whether they are the sanctions against Iran, or long-arm jurisdiction targeting third-party entities and individuals, Chinese entities and individuals included, should be lifted immediately."

    He said that will help ensure that Iran "will enjoy the legitimate economic dividends, create conditions for all parties to restart normal economic and trade cooperation with Iran, and pave the way for negotiations to reach a conclusion on the resumption of compliance with the agreement".

    "China has proposed that, on the basis of upholding the JCPOA, a multilateral dialogue platform be established in the Gulf region, as a way to encourage regional countries to reach new consensus on regional security issues through dialogue and consultation," Geng said.

    Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited the Middle East in March, where he put forward a five-point proposal for peace and stability in the region, including advocating mutual respect, upholding equity and justice, achieving non-proliferation, jointly fostering collective security and accelerating development cooperation, he said.

    "This proposal reflects China's sincerity in promoting regional peace and its strong sense of responsibility as a permanent member of the Security Council," he added.