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  • Tin Box Green Packaging Global World
  • Tin Box Green Packaging Global World

    Date:2019-07-31 Clicks:77

    Tin Box Green packaging is not on a completely uniform definition. Generally speaking, can round robin, recycling or degradation of corruption, and throughout the product life cycle in humans and the environment does not cause pollution of the appropriate packaging, known as green packaging. Green packaging is the most important means to protect the environment, but also the significance of both renewable resources. Data show that packaging food packaging accounts for 70% of the total, covering paper, plastic, glass, metal four packaging, they can in their search for energy and resource consumption, carbon emissions, "carbon footprint." According to statistics, in 2018, the proportion of sales in the global packaging materials, plastic packaging accounted for 54%, can be seen in the plastic packaging market share and momentum, but also a strong impetus to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical the industry's progress, the progress of these industries in turn further stimulate market demand for plastic packaging film. In short, food packaging materials is the main trend of the future development of functional, environmentally friendly, simple technology. Aseptic packaging uses high-tech and molecular materials, preservation of function will be the focus of food packaging technology development, more safe non-toxic packaging materials, plastic packaging will gradually replace the glass; of paper, aluminum foil, plastic film and other flexible packaging materials made of composite bags, will present gentrification and multi-functional. Accelerate the pace of social life will face tremendous opportunities for development of fast food packaging. The food industry is a sunrise industry in the 21st century, more rapid development of food packaging materials, food packaging materials in the field will be able to seize this opportunity to grow up. Shiny Tin Box Manufacturing Limited is a professional manufacturer of tinplate packing. Our food tin boxes is food grade and environmentally friendly. Welcome to consult about information and call us. The number is 0086-13794959372.